Author Archives: Atamayka

The Process of commissioning a Portrait

Austrian Businessman Carlo Chiavistrelli (Hanel Engineering) and his wife, Brigitte Hoy, were hosts and presenters at our group exhibition called HA! where Helga Schiegl and I showcased our latest artworks. At that time I made the revelation of a portrait for my beautiful client – Dagmar Hauser. She hadn’t seen it yet, so I surprised her and talked about the process of commissioning a portrait.

Later on Mr. Chiavistrelli and Mrs. Hoy were talking about the portrait and she suggested he commission one. This is how later on we reunited for a 1 hour interview were he told me the short version of the story of his life. I proceeded to paint him using the elements he spoke of in the interview which resulted in 2 paintings – a figurative and an abstract one – and 4 videos which were included in his book in the form of QR codes.

Portraying a Construction Site in the Lake District of Salzburg in Austria

Part 1

Austrian architect studio CARMA GmbH invited me to talk about a housing project in Salzburg’s Lake District. From the acquisition of the project to the design considerations, this was a very interesting project. That they took into account not only the well-being of the future owners but how the layout of the common areas and connections to the different buildings would influence the creation of social interaction, was what inspired me the most.

The architects inspiring creative process reminded me of the divine process of creation of the world as read in the ancient scriptures, which led to this second video:

Part 2

Why Drawing Serendipities?

Most of my drawings start with lines made while my eyes are closed. I then stare at the lines until I find something, and it´s usually a face.
I guess I haven’t overcome nature´s programming to assure human babies can distinguish their mom’s faces at birth.
And this game of drawing serendipities is one I love and I now play with my daughter, Mathilda. It’s thrilling to find “who” hides behind these blind lines made with no intention, and of course, it’s even more fun to complete that which you only see in your mind for others to see.

Drawing Serendipities is my happiness elixir.

Music: Google

Alfred – 100 Urban Faces series

Serendipity had it that these lines made with my eyes closed, turned into a portrait of a fine gentleman I know called Alfred. I used to see him around in town, and he had the most beautiful white hair I’d ever seen.

This face or wall sculpture belongs to the 100 Urban Faces Series.

Music: Google